December 19, 2024
Most Common Causes of Wrongful Death Cases in Illinois
Most Common Causes of Wrongful Death Cases in Illinois. For more than 50 years, Hassakis & Hassaki …
Posted December 20, 2014 by admin
Continuing from 6 Facts to Know about Emergency Room Errors (Pt. 1), here, we will point out some more important facts to know about ER mistakes.
While any number of different factors can increase the incidence of emergency room errors, the chaotic nature of ERs is commonly a contributing factor. Just some of the reasons for this include that hectic emergency rooms makes it more likely that medical professionals:
In the event that other contributing factors to medical malpractice are also present (like the inexperience or a lack of training for medical professionals), then the hectic nature of ERs is far more likely to lead to emergency room errors and patient injuries.
While there are various things that can be done to reduce the incidence of emergency room errors, tragically, some researchers are predicting that the this type of medical malpractice is likely to increase in the near future. Just a few of the reasons for this prediction are as follows:
For some final important info about emergency room errors, be sure to check out the conclusion to this blog that will be published soon.
Have you or a loved one been hurt by emergency room errors or any type of medical negligence? If so, the experienced and trusted Mount Vernon medical malpractice lawyers at the Law Firm of Hassakis & Hassakis, P.C. are ready to stand up for your rights. Since 1950, we have been providing the highest quality legal services and representation to our clients.
If you are ready to learn more about your best legal options and how we can help you, contact us by calling (888) 896-9381 or by emailing us using the form at the upper right-hand side of the page. We can provide you with a free, thorough assessment of your case, along with professional advice regarding the best manner in which to move forward.