FAQs about Products Liability Lawsuits (Pt. 2)

FAQs about Products Liability Lawsuits (Pt. 2)


Posted October 31, 2014 by admin

Resuming FAQs about Products Liability Lawsuits (Pt. 1), below, we will continue to answer some more commonly asked questions about products liability lawsuits.

More Answers to Questions about Products Liability Lawsuits…

Q – How long do products liability lawsuits take to resolve?

These answers to common questions about products liability lawsuits can give prospective plaintiffs a better idea of what to expect from these cases.
These answers to common questions about products liability lawsuits can give prospective plaintiffs a better idea of what to expect from these cases.

A – This is a difficult question to answer in general terms because:

  • Every case is different.
  • The details of products liability lawsuits will play a role in determining how complex (or straightforward) a case is and, consequently, how long it will take to resolve that case (or how quickly this can be accomplished).

In fact, some of the factors that can impact how long it takes to resolve products liability lawsuits include (but are not necessarily limited to): 

  • The nature of the alleged defects with the product
  • How many other plaintiffs may have claims similar to yours (If you are among thousands of people with similar claims of defective or dangerous products, your case may be consolidated in multidistrict litigation, which may mean that it will take a bit longer to resolve your case).
  • The nature of your alleged injuries
  • The nature of the defendant(s) named in your case. 

What we can tell you, however, is that, when it comes to successfully resolving products liability lawsuits don’t expect a resolution immediately. Instead, you can generally expect that it will take at least a few months to resolve your claim.

Q – How long do I have to file a products liability case?

A – In the state of Illinois, you will have two years from the date of your accident – or the date on which your injuries from the defective products have been discovered – to file your products liability case. This time frame, which is known in legal circles as the statute of limitations for your case, is very strict, and waiting to file after this time frame has expired will usually result in you losing your opportunity to seek compensation via products liability lawsuits.

We will answer some final questions about products liability cases in the conclusion to this blog series that will be published in early November – we encourage you to look for it!

Mount Vernon Products Liability Lawyers at the Law Firm of Hassakis & Hassakis, P.C.

Have you or a loved one been hurt by a defective or dangerous product? If so, the experienced and trusted Mount Vernon product liability lawyers at the Law Firm of Hassakis & Hassakis, P.C. are ready to stand up for your rights.

Since 1950, we have been providing the highest quality legal services and representation to our Southern Illinois clients. Our trusted attorneys focus on our clients’ needs, we are passionate about our clients, and we do everything we can to help them get the maximum possible compensation for their losses and injuries so they can focus on recovery and moving on with their life.

Contact Us 

If you are ready to learn more about your best legal options and how we can help you, contact us by calling (888) 896-9381 or by emailing us using the form at the upper right-hand side of the page. We can provide you with a free, thorough assessment of your case, along with professional advice regarding the best manner in which to move forward.

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