category: Fatal Car Accidents,Truck Accidents
10 Most Common
Truck Accident Claims
Rear-end Truck Accidents
Large trucks weigh significantly more than normal vehicles and it takes them longer to come to a complete stop. If a truck driver isn't paying attention and fails to notice a stalled vehicle on the highway, or a car stopped at a stoplight, it could be too late for them to brake and avoid a collision. If a truck rear-ends a passenger vehicle, this could result (in the best-case scenario) a dashboard injury for the driver of the passenger vehicle, head trauma, internal bleeding, or even be fatal. It is critical for truck drivers to stay well rested and alert when behind the wheel to avoid being a hazard to other drivers on the road, or to themselves.
Jackknife Truck Accident Claim
If a commercial truck driver isn't cautious or alert while driving, their negligence could cause their truck to "jackknife." Improperly loading cargo onto a truck, turning too quickly, or not maintaining a truck's parts leaves the door open for a driver to lose control of their truck, their trailer to become detached from the truck's cab, and for their wheels to lose traction and swerve on the road. If a truck is not properly maintained or their cargo poses a hazard to other drivers on the road, this could lead to a serious accident. Large trucks can cause severe property damage to passenger vehicles and extreme injuries to other drivers on the road, so it is crucial for truck drivers to be careful when loading their vehicles, have their vehicle regularly maintenanced, and to stay alert and aware on the road.
Driving Under the Influence Truck Accident Claim
29 percent of truck drivers involved in fatal accidents in 2017 had a blood alcohol count, or BAC, that was over the legal limit of 0.08 (in most states). While this is a an estimated decrease of 50% since the early 80's, this number should be significantly lower. Accidents caused by driving under the influence are 100% preventable, and can often cause severe injuries or be fatal. If you have been severely injured in an accident that was caused by a truck driver under the influence, you be eligible to recover compensation for your suffering. If you have lost a family member because of a truck driver under the influence, you can recover any damages that your loved one could have recovered while alive, plus loss of affection if you are their spouse. Driving under the influence is not something that should be taken lightly, especially when it involves a CDL driver that is responsible for operating a large commercial vehicle that weighs more than 70,000 pounds.
Speeding Truck Accident Claim
Speeding is a leading cause of truck accidents in the U.S. It is extremely dangerous for a truck driver to speed -- this could cause them to not see a stalled truck in the middle of the road, or overlook other road blocks before it is too late for them to stop. There are endless possibilities. Large trucks take more time than passenger vehicles to come to a complete stop, so it essential for truck drivers to always look ahead on the road and stay alert while behind the wheel. If you have been in an accident that was caused by speeding, you may have a valid case against the truck driver to recover reimbursement for your injuries or property damage with the help of a knowledgeable lawyer.
Distracted Driving Truck Accident Claim
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association, a 2006 study found that driver distraction was the leading cause of truck accidents. In more than 70% of accidents, driver inattention is part of the cause. If a truck driver is distracted while driving, whether it be from texting while driving, dialing their radio, or not paying attention to the road, this could cause them to hit a passenger vehicle on the road, swerve off the road, strike an object, "jackknife," and other unwanted accidents. If you have been the victim of an accident where a truck driver was distracted while driving, it is critical to take immediate action against them with the assistance of your lawyer to get justice for your case.
Sideswipe Collision Truck Accident Claim
Sideswiping truck accidents can happen for a number of reasons, but the main cause is distracted driving. If a truck driver is fatigued while driving or not paying attention to other drivers on the road, this can cause them to hit or sideswipe other vehicles. If a passenger vehicle is sideswiped by a large truck this can cause severe injuries and damages, be fatal, or cause a multi-car accident to occur. This can exacerbate other injuries. If you have been involved in a sideswipe collision with a truck, it's vital to seek immediate medical attention to treat your injuries and have an official medical report filed on your behalf. A medical report can be a powerful piece of evidence when filing your accident claim with your lawyer.
Truck Accident Claims Against a Fatigued Driver
Truck drivers are often on the road for days or weeks at a time, and if they aren't diligent about getting a proper amount of rest, they can become distracted, think irationally, and cause an accident while driving due to their fatigue. CDL drivers are required by federal law to avoid driving while fatigued and to get adequate rest. If you have been involved in an accident caused by a truck driver's fatigue, they could be required to compensate you for your damages and injuries from the crash, and potentially face the loss of their license, job, and serious penalties for the accident.
Truck Accident Claim Against a CDL Driver with a Poorly-Maintained Truck
There are strict federal regulations that require truck drivers to perform pre-safety checks before trips, weigh stations that they must stop at regularly on their trips, and other safety regulations that are mandatory for truck drivers to follow. If a large truck is not maintained, or cargo is improperly loaded onto a truck, the driver could lose control of their truck and be hazardous to other drivers on the road. It is critical to immediately get your lawyer involved in an accident with an improperly maintained truck because CDL drivers are legally required to report all accidents to their employer, undergo post-accident testing, and other consequences that could help you recover compensation.
Truck Accident Claim Against an Independent Truck Driver
It can be a surprise to some drivers to learn that not all truck drivers are directly employed by a trucking company. Some truck drivers operate as independent truck drivers for large companies. If you are in an accident with an independently contracted truck driver, it can be difficult to figure out how to go about your case, but our legal team can help you file a claim against the at-fault driver and even the company they operate as a contractor for. Federal laws have changed over the years, and though the trucking company might try to argue that the driver isn't their employee, the truck company is liable for the negligence of any drivers operating a vehicle with their name or placard on it.
Truck Accident Claim Against a Passenger Vehicle Driver
In an accident involving a commercial truck and a passenger vehicle, it might be easy to assume that the accident was caused by the large truck but this isn't always the case. If the driver of a passenger vehicle makes an improper turn, or changes lanes at the wrong time and causes an accident with a truck, fault for the accident would likely be placed on them. It is essential to stay aware of other vehicles on the road, including large trucks, and be cautious when changing lanes, turning, and performing any other action while driving. If you have caused an accident with a large truck, it is critical to involve your lawyer right away to protect you from the truck driver's insurer, defend your side in the accident, and negotiate for the lowest settlement amount possible for your accident.
Talk to a Lawyer About Your Truck Accident Case Today
It can be difficult to determine fault for an accident, but with an experienced lawyer by your side to defend your case, you can get the best results for your truck accident case and get justice for your suffering. Your lawyer can help you gather supporting evidence for your claim, obtain copies of your medical and police reports from the accident, and guide you in filing a powerful claim against the liable truck driver and the company they are employed with. If you need a personal injury lawyer to provide legal advice for your truck accident case, contact our firm today.
Down to earth, knowledgeable, handled my legal issue in a timely fashion. 😎
- William Rauen
category: Fatal Car Accidents,Truck Accidents
10 Most Common
Truck Accident Claims
Rear-end Truck Accidents
Large trucks weigh significantly more than normal vehicles and it takes them longer to come to a complete stop. If a truck driver isn't paying attention and fails to notice a stalled vehicle on the highway, or a car stopped at a stoplight, it could be too late for them to brake and avoid a collision. If a truck rear-ends a passenger vehicle, this could result (in the best-case scenario) a dashboard injury for the driver of the passenger vehicle, head trauma, internal bleeding, or even be fatal. It is critical for truck drivers to stay well rested and alert when behind the wheel to avoid being a hazard to other drivers on the road, or to themselves.
Jackknife Truck Accident Claim
If a commercial truck driver isn't cautious or alert while driving, their negligence could cause their truck to "jackknife." Improperly loading cargo onto a truck, turning too quickly, or not maintaining a truck's parts leaves the door open for a driver to lose control of their truck, their trailer to become detached from the truck's cab, and for their wheels to lose traction and swerve on the road. If a truck is not properly maintained or their cargo poses a hazard to other drivers on the road, this could lead to a serious accident. Large trucks can cause severe property damage to passenger vehicles and extreme injuries to other drivers on the road, so it is crucial for truck drivers to be careful when loading their vehicles, have their vehicle regularly maintenanced, and to stay alert and aware on the road.
Driving Under the Influence Truck Accident Claim
29 percent of truck drivers involved in fatal accidents in 2017 had a blood alcohol count, or BAC, that was over the legal limit of 0.08 (in most states). While this is a an estimated decrease of 50% since the early 80's, this number should be significantly lower. Accidents caused by driving under the influence are 100% preventable, and can often cause severe injuries or be fatal. If you have been severely injured in an accident that was caused by a truck driver under the influence, you be eligible to recover compensation for your suffering. If you have lost a family member because of a truck driver under the influence, you can recover any damages that your loved one could have recovered while alive, plus loss of affection if you are their spouse. Driving under the influence is not something that should be taken lightly, especially when it involves a CDL driver that is responsible for operating a large commercial vehicle that weighs more than 70,000 pounds.
Speeding Truck Accident Claim
Speeding is a leading cause of truck accidents in the U.S. It is extremely dangerous for a truck driver to speed -- this could cause them to not see a stalled truck in the middle of the road, or overlook other road blocks before it is too late for them to stop. There are endless possibilities. Large trucks take more time than passenger vehicles to come to a complete stop, so it essential for truck drivers to always look ahead on the road and stay alert while behind the wheel. If you have been in an accident that was caused by speeding, you may have a valid case against the truck driver to recover reimbursement for your injuries or property damage with the help of a knowledgeable lawyer.
Distracted Driving Truck Accident Claim
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association, a 2006 study found that driver distraction was the leading cause of truck accidents. In more than 70% of accidents, driver inattention is part of the cause. If a truck driver is distracted while driving, whether it be from texting while driving, dialing their radio, or not paying attention to the road, this could cause them to hit a passenger vehicle on the road, swerve off the road, strike an object, "jackknife," and other unwanted accidents. If you have been the victim of an accident where a truck driver was distracted while driving, it is critical to take immediate action against them with the assistance of your lawyer to get justice for your case.
Sideswipe Collision Truck Accident Claim
Sideswiping truck accidents can happen for a number of reasons, but the main cause is distracted driving. If a truck driver is fatigued while driving or not paying attention to other drivers on the road, this can cause them to hit or sideswipe other vehicles. If a passenger vehicle is sideswiped by a large truck this can cause severe injuries and damages, be fatal, or cause a multi-car accident to occur. This can exacerbate other injuries. If you have been involved in a sideswipe collision with a truck, it's vital to seek immediate medical attention to treat your injuries and have an official medical report filed on your behalf. A medical report can be a powerful piece of evidence when filing your accident claim with your lawyer.
Truck Accident Claims Against a Fatigued Driver
Truck drivers are often on the road for days or weeks at a time, and if they aren't diligent about getting a proper amount of rest, they can become distracted, think irationally, and cause an accident while driving due to their fatigue. CDL drivers are required by federal law to avoid driving while fatigued and to get adequate rest. If you have been involved in an accident caused by a truck driver's fatigue, they could be required to compensate you for your damages and injuries from the crash, and potentially face the loss of their license, job, and serious penalties for the accident.
Truck Accident Claim Against a CDL Driver with a Poorly-Maintained Truck
There are strict federal regulations that require truck drivers to perform pre-safety checks before trips, weigh stations that they must stop at regularly on their trips, and other safety regulations that are mandatory for truck drivers to follow. If a large truck is not maintained, or cargo is improperly loaded onto a truck, the driver could lose control of their truck and be hazardous to other drivers on the road. It is critical to immediately get your lawyer involved in an accident with an improperly maintained truck because CDL drivers are legally required to report all accidents to their employer, undergo post-accident testing, and other consequences that could help you recover compensation.
Truck Accident Claim Against an Independent Truck Driver
It can be a surprise to some drivers to learn that not all truck drivers are directly employed by a trucking company. Some truck drivers operate as independent truck drivers for large companies. If you are in an accident with an independently contracted truck driver, it can be difficult to figure out how to go about your case, but our legal team can help you file a claim against the at-fault driver and even the company they operate as a contractor for. Federal laws have changed over the years, and though the trucking company might try to argue that the driver isn't their employee, the truck company is liable for the negligence of any drivers operating a vehicle with their name or placard on it.
Truck Accident Claim Against a Passenger Vehicle Driver
In an accident involving a commercial truck and a passenger vehicle, it might be easy to assume that the accident was caused by the large truck but this isn't always the case. If the driver of a passenger vehicle makes an improper turn, or changes lanes at the wrong time and causes an accident with a truck, fault for the accident would likely be placed on them. It is essential to stay aware of other vehicles on the road, including large trucks, and be cautious when changing lanes, turning, and performing any other action while driving. If you have caused an accident with a large truck, it is critical to involve your lawyer right away to protect you from the truck driver's insurer, defend your side in the accident, and negotiate for the lowest settlement amount possible for your accident.
Talk to a Lawyer About Your Truck Accident Case Today
It can be difficult to determine fault for an accident, but with an experienced lawyer by your side to defend your case, you can get the best results for your truck accident case and get justice for your suffering. Your lawyer can help you gather supporting evidence for your claim, obtain copies of your medical and police reports from the accident, and guide you in filing a powerful claim against the liable truck driver and the company they are employed with. If you need a personal injury lawyer to provide legal advice for your truck accident case, contact our firm today.

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