November 17, 2024
Practical Tips for Staying Safe Around Large Trucks
Practical Tips for Staying Safe Around Large Trucks. Sharing the road with large trucks requires e …
Posted March 1, 2015 by admin
Today marks the start of National Brain Injury Awareness Month, a campaign sponsored by the Brain Injury Association of American (BIAA) and supported by various national organizations that are dedicated to promoting awareness, investing in research and helping people with serious brain injuries.
While National Brain Injury Awareness Month will involve a number of activities and sub-campaigns throughout the month of March, the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force (CBITF) has designed March 18, 2015 as Brain Injury Awareness Day, during which the public is welcome to participate in various events sponsored by this Task Force.
Supporting National Brain Injury Awareness Month, we thought it would be a good time to take a look at some brain injury statistics to shed some light on just how big of an issue traumatic brain injury is in the U.S. and what may be done to prevent it.
Here are some eye-opening statistics regarding traumatic brain injuries in the U.S.:
Have you or a loved one sustained a traumatic brain injury caused by negligence? If so, the experienced and trusted Mount Vernon brain injury lawyers at the Law Firm of Hassakis & Hassakis, P.C. are ready to stand up for your rights. Since 1950, we have been providing the highest quality legal services and representation to our clients. Our trusted attorneys focus on our clients’ needs, we are passionate about our clients, and we do everything we can to help them get the maximum possible compensation for their losses and injuries so they can focus on recovery and moving on with their life.
If you are ready to learn more about your best legal options and how we can help you, contact us by calling (888) 896-9381 or by emailing us using the form at the upper right-hand side of the page. We can provide you with a free, thorough assessment of your case, along with professional advice regarding the best manner in which to move forward.