November 17, 2024
Practical Tips for Staying Safe Around Large Trucks
Practical Tips for Staying Safe Around Large Trucks. Sharing the road with large trucks requires e …
Posted September 30, 2015 by admin
Although some jobs – like law enforcement positions – can naturally put people in the line of danger, others carry subtler risks that may be no less of a threat to workers’ safety and wellbeing.
Looking to pinpoint the risky occupations in the nation, recently, researchers at Health Grove analyzed data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to discover just what the top dangerous jobs in the U.S. actually are. Below is a look at what they found.
Based on worker death rates (per every 100,000 workers in a given industry), here are the most dangerous jobs in the U.S.:
While some occupations clearly present more of a risk to workers than others, for every worker in the U.S., understanding their rights and how to protect themselves can be critical to staying safe on the job. Among some of the general things workers can do to minimize their risk of sustaining a work injury, according to OSHA, include (but are by no means limited to):
If you have been hurt on the job or have been diagnosed with an occupational illness, an experienced Mount Vernon workers compensation attorney at the Law Firm of Hassakis & Hassakis, P.C. is here for you, ready to stand up for your rights to compensation.
To learn more about your options for recovery and how we can help you, contact us by calling (888) 896-9381 or by emailing us using the form at the upper right-hand side of the page. We can provide you with a free, thorough assessment of your case, along with professional advice regarding the best manner in which to move forward.