While medication mistakes are currently a problem in the U.S., experts expect that this problem will likely grow in the not-so-far-off future.In many cases, medication mistakes take place at some point during the process of administering drugs to patients – When considering the occurrence of medication mistakes, these mistakes can theoretically take place at any point from when the medication is packaged to when it’s handed over to and taken by patients. However, researchers have found that as much as 33 percent of all medication mistakes take place at some point during the process of administering (giving) drugs to the patients who need them.
Some examples of the medication mistakes that can take place during the drug administration process include (but are not necessarily limited to):
Prescribing the wrong type of drug to patients, based on their conditions, other medications they may be taking and/or medical histories
Prescribing the wrong dose of a medication to patients
Giving patients the wrong type or dose of medications
Not clearly telling patients about contraindications for their medications (i.e., what patients should not do when taking a certain drug).
Researchers project the incidence of medication mistakes in the U.S. to increase in the near future – This may be the most distressing fact about medication mistakes discussed in this blog series. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report, more and more people in the U.S. will likely be impacted by medication mistakes in the not-so-far-off future.
This spike in future medication mistakes is expected as a result of a number of different factors, only some of which include:
The Baby Boomer generation getting older and relying increasingly on prescription medications.
A growing trend of prescribing drugs as a preventative measure, instead of just as a reactionary measure to combat existing illnesses or conditions
More new prescription medications being introduced in the near future and new uses being approved for existing drugs
Growing coverage of prescription medications by insurance providers.
Our conclusion to this blog series will be posted soon – don’t miss it!
Mount Vernon Medical Malpractice Lawyers at the Law Firm of Hassakis & Hassakis, P.C.
Have medication mistakes caused you to develop health complications? If so, the Mount Vernon personal injury lawyers at the Law Firm of Hassakis & Hassakis, P.C. may be able to help you.
We take pride in tailoring our legal representation to specifically meet our clients’ needs and in expertly guiding them through each stage of the complex legal process. While our attorneys are aggressive and effective litigators both inside and outside of the courtroom, we are also counselors that can provide our clients with helpful legal advice regarding their best options.
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The physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals we put our faith into and rely on to help us make mistakes. When that happens, you could be at risk of paying with your health or even your life. With our help, you can recover.
If you are prescribed the wrong medications, your health can be jeopardized in many different ways. When a prescribing physician makes a mistake in your medications, you can recover compensation.
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